Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dave Ramsey’s 12 Deals of Christmas

Most of you know by now that I LOVE Dave Ramsey and the Lampo Group and all the great things they stand for. If it weren’t for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University my life would be completely different and I know I’ve said it before but it excites me so I’ll say it again! I’M DEBT FREE!! My husband and I paid off about $60K in debt in 18 months and we are so excited to say that we are signing the papers to sell our extremely underwater house in a short sale this week! What a stress that will be off our shoulders! The first of the year will bring a brand new start for us!

Of course I want everyone to feel the same financial peace that I do so if you haven’t listened to the Dave Ramsey program or gone through Financial Peace I would highly suggest it and here’s a great way to get started easily. This would also make a great gift for a family member or friend this holiday season!


This is a really GREAT DEAL! Those CD’s alone will give you most of the information you need to get started on your financial journey! Each of these products regularly run $134.97 all together so you’re getting an AWESOME deal. Don’t pass this up, buy today (if you can make the room in your budget :) ).


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