(16) Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta
(4) Campbell's Select Harvest Soup
(8) Krusteaz Cookie Mixes
(2) Yellow Peppers
(1) Bag of Italian Mix Salad
(1) Vitamin Water 20oz.
QFC still had their March Madness promo going on where if you bought groups of 8 select items (mix and match) you would get $4 off instantly.
These prices are with the $4 savings figured in already.
Ronzoni Pasta $.75 (used 16 coupons for $.75/1 HERE and HERE)- all the pasta was FREE!!
(I had 4 computers that I was able to print from and printed two coupons on each link above)
Krusteaz Cookie mix $.75 (select boxes in the store had peelie coupons attached to them for $.55/1 - and I was able to find 8 coupons)- total for 8 boxes $1.60
Everything else was on sale but not included in the promo.
Campbelle's Select Harvest soup was $1 and I had two coupons for $.50/2. Total price $3.00 for 4 cans.
The yellow pepers were $1 each, the tomatoes were $1/lb and the bagged salad was $1.
I had a coupon for a bottle of Vitamin Water FREE- so no cost there.
TOTAL OOP: $8.32
(The cashier accidently gave me an additional $.50 off and when I told her she said oh well :) )
The scouts were standing outside QFC collecting food for the Food Bank so I gave them 6 boxes of pasta and 2 cans of soup (so I had to grab stuff out of my pantry to fill in for missing items for the picture.) I should have taken them some Post Cereal!
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