TOTAL: $1.18

TOTAL: $1.50

TOTAL: $2.00

TOTAL: $12.93
This last transaction had some non-coupon impulse buys. Hannah Miley pretty much hates grocery shopping or at least being in the cart so as soon as I tried to put her in she started throwing a HUGE tantrum! I headed straight to the bakery for a free cookie but there was no one there and the screaming just seemed to be getting worse so I grabbed this bag of cookies that I always see when I go to Albertsons and always want to buy because I've had them before and know they're good they are just hardly ever on sale- $2.99 a bag. But it was quick and easy and right next to me so I grabbed it ripped open the bag and the screaming stopped. The Cascade Ice sparkling water was an impulse that I tried a sample of at QFC the other day and loved! They were however on sale for $1.00 but no coupon.
I didn't have time or the patience dragging my three kids around the store with me for another transaction so I didn't grab the Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta for $.19 with coupon and doubler- I passed those coupons on to my mom with some doublers so she could use them if she wanted.
This last transaction had some non-coupon impulse buys. Hannah Miley pretty much hates grocery shopping or at least being in the cart so as soon as I tried to put her in she started throwing a HUGE tantrum! I headed straight to the bakery for a free cookie but there was no one there and the screaming just seemed to be getting worse so I grabbed this bag of cookies that I always see when I go to Albertsons and always want to buy because I've had them before and know they're good they are just hardly ever on sale- $2.99 a bag. But it was quick and easy and right next to me so I grabbed it ripped open the bag and the screaming stopped. The Cascade Ice sparkling water was an impulse that I tried a sample of at QFC the other day and loved! They were however on sale for $1.00 but no coupon.
I didn't have time or the patience dragging my three kids around the store with me for another transaction so I didn't grab the Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta for $.19 with coupon and doubler- I passed those coupons on to my mom with some doublers so she could use them if she wanted.
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