Friday, August 7, 2009

Grocery Store Savings

Up until now I haven't really been shopping anywhere else other than Albertsons but I've had some bad luck with that store lately and decided to check out the sales elsewhere. Safeway has really good deals usually but not on their sales and coupons their overall price is just better than Albertsons on everything that's not on sale, and QFC to me just seems really expensive but I found a few good deals today.


Gatorade: $.79 cents each
Chef Boyardee Ravioli: $1.00 each

(No coupons on the Gatorade but Josh drinks these like crazy so I picked up 10 for $7.90 and I had two coupons for the ravioli's $1/1 making both cans free.)

TOTAL: $8.58 (thought it was weird that they taxed me because it was all food and Albertsons doesn't do that)

SAVINGS: 14.98


Wishbone Dressing: $1 each if you buy 4 (otherwise $1.50 each)
La Victoria Salsa: $2.49 each
Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent: $3.99 each

I had 4 Wishbone coupons for $.75/1 which made my dressing $.25 each. I also had two coupons that were $4/2 on the salsa so each salsa was $.49 each, and the laundry detergent I had a $1/1 coupon making it $2.99.

TOTAL: $6.12 (also was charged tax but I assumed that was because of the detergent)

SAVINGS: $30.26


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