Friday, September 18, 2009

Safeway Promotion

I went to Safeway this morning for Gatorade (the 8 packs of it are on sale for $3.99 Friday-Sunday) and got some more cereal with the promo. If you like Cocoa Puffs here's a good way to get them for really cheap.

Cocoa Puffs 11.8oz (I think that's the size) - you must buy 4 boxes to get them at $1.50 a box

(2) $1/1 coupon
(2) $.75/1 coupon
(1) $.75/1 e-coupon CellFire
(1) $.75/1 e-coupon Shortcuts

TOTAL: $1.00

There are quite a few other items included in this promotion PRICE- select General Mills Cereals, Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Nature Valley Nut Clusters, Quaker Granola Bars, etc. but the only things that I've heard actually trigger the Capri Sun Catalina to print are the items printed in the Safeway ad- select General Mills cereals and the Nature Valley granola bars. (I've tried the nut clusers- these do not trigger the Catalina.)


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