Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hannah Montana Movie

UPDATE: So this movie is regularly $30 at Rite Aid- not a good deal. I ran over to Walmart and they had it for $19 and I grabbed some raisins for $1.68 to mail in for the $4 rebate so after everything I will have paid like $16 for the movie, not as good as I thought it might be but we had to have this movie so I would have bought it for the full amount anyway.

The new Hannah Montana movie comes out today and if you're like us YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO HAVE IT :). The Rite Aid ad said that they would have it for $10 off retail price so I'm going to check out that deal. In the Sunday paper there was also a mail in rebate if you buy Sunmaid raisins you can mail in to get a $4 off rebate on the movie- so I'm going to see if Rite Aid sells raisins :) and if I can get the movie for really cheap, I'll let you all know!


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